Concrete Solutions

Concrete Performance Offerings

Central Concrete’s Quality Assurance and Project Management team works closely with you to assess the performance objectives of your project, engineering mixes to best meet your needs – including high strength, high-early strength, MOE, low deflection, low shrinkage, low permeability and lightweight solutions.


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Carbon Reductions Solutions

For Central Concrete, sustainable mix design Is “business as usual.” While most producers respond to sustainability piece meal – and just for the jobs that demand it – at Central Concrete sustainable, high performing solutions are at the heart of what we do. Sustainability strategies include: low carbon mixes with supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), CarbonCure technology mixes, recycled concrete aggregates, returned fresh concrete, and concrete pavements and parking lots.

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Placement-Specific Concrete

Learn more about our offerings driven by specific applications. These offerings include self-consolidating concrete, shotcrete, high early strength concrete and concrete mixes that meet your long-distance horizontal or vertical pumping needs.

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Application-Specific Concrete

Whether you are looking to identify a mix for a project utilizing adhered flooring or a product ideal for fill applications or deep foundations, Central Concrete’s Quality Assurance team and Project Managers will assess your need and find the right solution.

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Architectural Concrete

Many of our customers are looking for architectural concrete – a concrete that while providing an aesthetic finish to the building also serves a structural function. We invite you to learn how we use cementitious materials to produce a concrete on the color spectrum from light gray to cream to white, integral color to match your design requirements or provide an architectural concrete that will result in an exposed aggregate finish.

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Advances in Concrete

View our “Advances in Concrete” presentation covering topics such as: low carbon concrete solutions, high performance concrete solutions and advances that improve productivity.

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Concrete Carbon Project Builder

Uncover the carbon reduction potential of your project with Central Concrete’s new, advanced tool.

  • CALCULATE total concrete embodied carbon for projects using concrete application, volumes and download a report that shows average, high, low and median total embodied carbon for mix
  • ANALYZE which concrete applications contribute the most to the concrete embodied carbon on a project
  • DETERMINE the most impactful concrete applications to target for concrete embodied carbon reduction
  • UTILIZE the data for setting baselines and targets for future projects

Wireless Sensor for Temperature and Strength Monitoring

Central Concrete has partnered with Giatec to offer SmartRock™, the world’s leading wireless sensor for monitoring the curing and hardening of concrete. Highlights include:

- Fully embedded on the rebar with no wires or testing labs required, this easy-to-use sensor allows for quick decision marking onsite and prevents unnecessary concrete testing delays

- The maturity method is approved by ASTM and ACI as an accurate and reliable test for measuring concrete strength onsite, making results more accurate than field-cured cylinder breaks.

- With real-time data and 24/7 remote monitoring capabilities, you can check the status of your pour and get notifications anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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